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 Tompolo’s “warships”

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Tompolo’s “warships” Empty
PostSubject: Tompolo’s “warships”   Tompolo’s “warships” Empty2014-12-23, 05:40

Wonders shall never cease. Nigeria
is a land of endless wonders. The
rapidity of amazing occurrences is
befuddling. It is like the magical
box with serial conjurements. This
is the similitude of events as they
break. It defies logic and rationality.
Or else, how do you explain the
rationale behind the news that the
ex-militant, Mr. Government
Ekpemupolo, aka, ‘Tompolo’,
allegedly imported seven warships,
by Global West Vessel Service, a
company said to be owned by him!
Though there was a muted and
belated denial in official circles,
some questions are salient. How
did he become involved, as there is
no smoke without fire? How did he
come by the money for the
transaction? How come an
individual easily procures arms and
Nigeria is impeded? Is there any
linkage with the mystery dollars
found in South Africa? Is this how to
run a country? We must get to the
bottom of this!
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Tompolo’s “warships”
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