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 Youth go on rampage in Plateau over killing of top traditional ruler

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Youth go on rampage in Plateau over killing of top traditional ruler Empty
PostSubject: Youth go on rampage in Plateau over killing of top traditional ruler   Youth go on rampage in Plateau over killing of top traditional ruler Empty2016-07-27, 10:41

Youth go on rampage in Plateau over killing of top traditional ruler Youth-restiveness-In-nigeria

Youth in Bokkos Local Government Area of Plateau State on Tuesday barricaded roads and took to the streets in response to the killing of a first class traditional ruler in the area, witnesses said.

Lazarus Agai, the Saf Ron Kurele, was killed on Monday while visiting his farm. His wife and security aide were also shot dead by unknown gunmen.

Indigenes of the area accuse their Fulani neighbours.

They say the chief was murdered because of his opposition to the state government’s plan to create grazing reserves in the area.

A curfew was imposed in Bokkos Tuesday as residents fled the violence.

The youth had earlier barricaded all access routes into Bokkos council headquarters, residents said, but the situation was brought under control by evening with the deployment of taskforce on Jos crisis to the troubled area.

The leader of the Fulani community in the local government council, Yakubu Boro, said the rampaging youth set houses in five Fulani settlements on fire. He said at least 300 herdsmen were displaced.

Mr. Boro, who said he was speaking from hiding, said the youth also destroyed the council Secretariat of the Miyatt Allah cattle breeders association in Bokkos.

Those claims could not be independently verified by PREMIUM TIMES.

The Plateau State government warned perpetrators of violence to desist or face wrath of the law.

“Be rest assured that Government is on top of the situation and is avowed on fishing out all enemies of the Peace that has returned to the State,” said Emmanuel Nanle, who is the director of press and public affairs to Governor Simon Dalung.

He appealed to all citizens and particularly residents of Bokkos Local Government to remain calm and not to engage in any act that is capable of aggravating the situation.

The state chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, Nuru Muhammad, also sued for peace.

“Our homes have been burnt, we have told security agents that anyone found responsible for this atrocity whether Fulani or Challa even if he is my son, he should face the law,” he said.

The state commissioner of police, Adekunle Oladunjoye, warned that anyone caught perpetrating violence will be dealt with accordingly.
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Youth go on rampage in Plateau over killing of top traditional ruler
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