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 NGO takes war against exam malpractice to rural schools

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NGO takes war against exam malpractice to rural schools Empty
PostSubject: NGO takes war against exam malpractice to rural schools   NGO takes war against exam malpractice to rural schools Empty2016-08-04, 00:07

Worried by the growing menace of Examination malpractices in the nation’s education system, representatives of Poverty Alleviation for the Poor Initiative (PAFPI), a non-governmental organization, visited the Evwreni Girls Model Secondary School, Evwreni in Ughelli North of Delta State for an anti-corruption orientation/sensitization programme to prepare the young girls for future challenges.

Addressing the female students, the executive director of PAFPI, Mr. Kejekpo Omonade urged them to stand out to break the chain of corruption that has trapped this nation by shunning examination malpractice and work hard to pass their examination which is the real test of greatness.

“I encourage you, the future leaders of this great nation to break the chain of corruption that has trapped this great nation by shunning examination malpractice, speaking out against corrupt acts, educate and enlighten others on the ills of corruption and lastly, study hard to excel in your profession,” he stated.

According to him, “corruption is caused by greed, lack of positive values, societal pressure, excessive materialism, lack of self-discipline, insecurity, laziness to study and work hard. As Nigerians you are entitled to free education in well equipped schools with qualified teachers and other basic amenities but endemic corruption has made such dreams unatenable in a nation so endowed with human and material resources.”

As an active member of the National Anti-Corruption Coalition of Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission (ICPC), he explained that PAFPI has designed the programme in such a way to build a corruption-free generation for a better tomorrow.

“It’s our shared desire to see you grow with the consciousness that change is possible and that you can be agents of positive change,” he told the students, noting that examination malpractice may give temporary relief but ultimately cannot help you navigate your way in life.

He also emphasized the shame that one receives when caught in the act of cheating in an examination.
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NGO takes war against exam malpractice to rural schools
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