Call 0905 511 3572 to become a 1xbet agent in Nigeria
Below you’ll find minimal requirements to open an agent shop:
- 1 PC for cashier, 2 monitors (for cashier and response monitor).
- Thermal printer and normal printer.
- 1 PC and 1 or 2 monitors for Customers.
- 1 PC and 1 or 2 monitors for Live odds (optional).
- Stable internet
- 1 TV for sports broadcasting and DSTV decoder (optional).
Agent Commission structure:
- Paid Every Monday (The commission will be added or credited to the shop account with 1xbet)
- Based on Number of Selections on a ticket
- Based on Sales for sport and virtual games
- Based on Settled Bets
- Additional Sport bonus of 20% monthly profit
Based on Number of Selections on a ticket
1 - 1%
2 - 2%
3 - 4%
4 - 6%
5 - 7%
6 - 8%
7 & 8 - 10%
9 & 10 - 12%
11 to 13 - 14%
14 & 15 - 16%
16 to 20 - 18%
21 to 25 - 25%
26 - 26%
27 - 27%
28 - 28%
29 - 29%
30 to 50 - 30%
Sports Monthly Bonus Commission:
Monthly Sports Bonus is paid the first Monday of every month for the previous month.
Bonus Formula: Sales - Winnings X 20% - Commissions Paid for the Month
= Bonus Commission.
Based on Number of Selections on a ticket
Single - 2%
2,3 events - 4%
4,5,6 events - 6%
Correct score – 7%
7,8,9,10 events - 8%
Weekly Bonus on sales:
N150000 = N2000
N300000 = N8000
N500000 = N10000
N1m+ = N15000
N2m+ = N30000
N3m+ = N50000
In order to register, you'll need to fill in the Agent Registration Form and to pay N50000 Registration Fee.
Once we receive the hard copy of your Agent Form and after confirmation of payment of N50000 your shop will be activated and you'll be able to start work. We’ll credit your account with N10000 and send you decoder and satellite dish for virtual games.
We'll create agent access for you to 1xbet shop software, we'll do the training to explain to you all the principles of the work.
Also, we'll send you all the necessary banners and posters with 1xbet logo for your shops.
Please let us know once you meet the minimum requirements.