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 'Insane' Mother Left A Day-Old Baby In Pit Latrine In Abia

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'Insane' Mother Left A Day-Old Baby In Pit Latrine In Abia Empty
PostSubject: 'Insane' Mother Left A Day-Old Baby In Pit Latrine In Abia   'Insane' Mother Left A Day-Old Baby In Pit Latrine In Abia Empty2014-07-08, 07:48

Policemen from the Ogbor Hill Division rescued a day-old baby boy who was thrown into a pit latrine by his mother in Aba, Abia State.

The mother of the baby, Nwaizu, is suspected to be insane, while the father of the baby is yet to be identified.

It was gathered that the woman, who hails from Obingwa Local Government Area of the state, gave birth to the boy without any outside help. Afterwards, she left the covered baby inside the pit latrine.

According to a source from village, shortly after the act, the young mother became paralyzed within the toilet vicinity and could not walk out from the area. Later, when the elders of the community were alerted, they invited a native doctor who after some incantations helped the woman to get up and walk again.

When a team of policemen from the Ogbor Hill Division led by the Divisional Police Officer (DPO), Mrs. Helen Nze, was informed about the incident, they stormed the community, opened the pit latrine and rescued the baby who was still alive.

Though, the villagers were initially hostile and wanted to fight the police team, the officers took the baby to a private hospital where he is responding to treatment.

Abia State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Geoffrey Ogbonna, could not be reached for comments but a senior police officer, who preferred anonymity, confirmed the incident and said the police were taking care of the baby while investigation continued.
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'Insane' Mother Left A Day-Old Baby In Pit Latrine In Abia
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