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 Gov’s wife welcomes first 2015 baby in LIMH

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Gov’s wife welcomes first 2015 baby in LIMH Empty
PostSubject: Gov’s wife welcomes first 2015 baby in LIMH   Gov’s wife welcomes first 2015 baby in LIMH Empty2015-01-02, 07:49

The wife of Lagos State Governor,
Mrs. Abimbola Fashola, has
welcomed the first baby born in the
Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, in
Fashola presented to the child a
wooden cot, a mattress and pillows
donated by Vitafoam at the LIMH on
The baby, a female, was born to Mrs.
Sherifat Ogunnoiki at 12.01 am with
a birth weight of 2.3 kilogrammes.
She, however, narrowly missed
being named the first baby of the
year in the state, as another baby
was born at 12.01 to Mrs.
Ogechukwu Onyejiekwe at the
Isolo General Hospital.
While baby Ogunnoiki was born
through caesarian section, baby
Onyejiekwe was delivered through
virginal delivery, which made baby
Onyejiekwe an automatic winner.
While thanking Vitafoam and other
corporate organisations, who had
contributed to the annual event
and the renovation of the lounge as
well as the A4 private ward in the
hospital, Fashola called on more
individuals and organisations to
complement the effort of the state
government in the health sector.
She said, “I commend all the
individuals and organisations that
have partnered with the hospital
and the state government to bring
about this impressive
The Chief Medical Director of the
LIMH, Dr. Donald Imosemi, urged
the government to build an
Intensive Care Unit for critically ill
patients and overhaul the sewage
system in the hospital.
“In 2014, we recorded only two
booked maternal deaths. A good
number of our 48 unbooked deaths
would have possibly survived if we
had an ICU. This is our major agenda
for 2015,” he said.
According to Imosemi, a total of
74,733 patients visited the LIMH in
2014, a decrease from the 81,605
patients recorded in 2013.
Imosemi, however, attributed the
reduction to the outbreak of the
Ebola Virus Disease and the
protracted industrial strike in the
health sector.
He added that a total deliveries of
2,890 were recorded out of which
1,349 were carried out by caesarian
The Group Managing Director,
Vitafoam, Joel Ajiga, said, “This is
our first social assignment this year
at Vitafoam. We want to celebrate
motherhood and we have been
doing this for the past 20 years in
various ways across the country. We
are bringing together first babies of
the year in Lagos State since 2008
as our ambassadors.”
Presentations were also made to
the second babies of the year at the
hospital, a set of twins born to Mrs.
Omoshalewa Agbetoba at 2.39am
and 2.41am respectively.
The third babies of the year at the
hospital, also a set of twins, were
born to Mrs. Mutiat Oyedeji at
7.47am and 7.48am respectively.
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Gov’s wife welcomes first 2015 baby in LIMH
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