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 BREAKING: Abducted former minister, Bagudu Hirse regains freedom

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BREAKING: Abducted former minister, Bagudu Hirse regains freedom Empty
PostSubject: BREAKING: Abducted former minister, Bagudu Hirse regains freedom   BREAKING: Abducted former minister, Bagudu Hirse regains freedom Empty2016-11-26, 13:57

BREAKING: Abducted former minister, Bagudu Hirse regains freedom Mr-Bugudu-Hirse

Mr Bagudu Hirse, former Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), who was abducted by gunmen in Kaduna on Sunday, Nov. 20, has regained his freedom, his brother, Mr John Hirse, has confirmed.

“Bagudu was released in the early hours of Saturday,” John, retired permanent secretary in the federal civil service and currently District Head of Mangu, in Plateau, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), in Jos on Saturday.He said that the former minister was“hale and hearty”, and thanked Nigerians for the prayers and words of encouragement “during the tỳing period”.

“May God reward everyone who stood by us during the tough period,” he said.

John, however, did not give further details, and also refused to comment over whether a ransom was paid to the abductors.

Bagudu was abducted by gunmen at the Kaduna residence of Ambassador Mamman Daura, where he had gone to condole the family over the death of the former Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji ibrahim Dasuki.

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