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 TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina

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TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina  Empty
PostSubject: TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina    TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina  Empty2015-01-23, 05:24

TRADEUnion Congress of Nigeria, TUC, yesterday condemned recent attack on President Goodluck Jonathan and his delegation during their visit to the house of Hajia Dada, mother of the late President Umaru Yar’Adua in Katsina, by some youths, describing it “as an embarrassment to the country.”
TUC in a statement by Bobboi Kaigama and Musa Lawal, President and Secretary General respectively, also condemned the recent outburst of Asari-Dokubo, saying such inflammatory statements could only be counter-productive and would do no one any good.
According to the statement, TUC “considers the recent attack on President Goodluck Jonathan and his delegation during their visit to the house of Hajia Dada, mother of the late President Umaru Yar’Adua in Katsina, by some youths as an embarrassment to the country.
”The development is too dangerous in a tension- soaked country like ours. While we are glad that the security forces averted what was potentially an ugly situation, we once again appeal to politicians and their followers to play the game by the rule.
“We are amazed and worried by the anxiety in the land, fuelled by politicians whose language drips blood and violence, regardless of the Peace Pact signed by the presidential candidates. To hurl stones at people, nay the president of a country, simply because they hold opposing views or belong to different political organisations is the high point of the irresponsibility, crudity, cruelty, avarice and do-or-die attitude of the present day politician.This is unfortunate.
“The myriad of foul languages we hear and read in the papers by all political parties these days clearly show that politicians are not committed to decency in democracy. They have refused to show exemplary behavior for their followers to emulate.”
“The Congress had thought that the major concerns of candidates now should be telling Nigerians what they intend to do if elected instead of the mudslinging and rascally acts and utterances dominating our discourse. Parties must ensure that their members and supporters remain committed to peaceful electioneering, instead of hatching plots to unleash violence on opponents. This is a dangerous phenomenon; however, let it be known that no one will be allowed to throw the country into chaos and bloodshed, in the event of loss by any political party. The election must be won and lost at the same time.”
The statement added that the “Congress also condemns the recent outburst of Asari-Dokubo. Such inflammatory statements can only be counter-productive and it will do no one any good. The country shall remain an indivisible entity no matter who wins or loses the elections.”
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TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina  Empty
PostSubject: Re: TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina    TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina  Empty2015-01-23, 05:39

Well said.
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Sex : Male
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TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina  Empty
PostSubject: Re: TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina    TUC condemns attack on Jonathan in Katsina  Empty2015-01-23, 07:21

Not fair pls....
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